Und wieder erwartet uns eine kurze Woche, der Mai meint es wirklich gut mit der Verteilung der Feiertage 😀 Donnerstag ist wieder so einer und Freitag nehmen wir uns den Brückentag frei. Ihr habt also bis Mittwoch Zeit, all die tollen Schätze zu euch nach Hause zu holen, die in der letzten Woche zu uns gekommen sind. Es ist wieder alles dabei von NES bis PS5, von Neuware bis stark gebraucht, von Allerweltskram bis Sammlerstück. Und das Beste: Dank einer Extraschicht am Samstag ist alles auch schon für euch in den Regalen, geschrubbt, ergänzt, mit neuen Batterien und allem, was sonst noch so nötig war.
Aussuchen, vorbeikommen, freuen!
Los geht’s:
Master System II |
Mega Drive I |
PS3 fat 80GB |
PS2 slim |
Super Game Boy |
Controller Xbox Series |
Pro Controller Switch OVP |
Figur The Witcher Regis |
Game Boy Advance
LEGO Star Wars III |
LEGO Star Wars Die Komplette Saga |
Mario Kart 7 |
New Super Mario Bros. 2 |
Luigis Mansion 2 |
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2014 |
Rackets & Rivals |
Kung Fu |
R.C. Pro Am |
Rollergames |
Silent Service |
Mach Rider |
Solar Jetman |
Boulder Dash |
Donkey Kong Classics |
Faxanadu |
Pirates! |
Burai Fighter |
Batman |
Captain Planet |
Kid Icarus |
Shadow Warriors |
Turtles II The Arcade Game |
Mega Man II |
Mega Man 3 |
Monster in my Pocket |
Captain America |
Castlevania |
Castlevania II |
Castlevania III |
Super Castlevania IV |
Lufia |
Secret of Evermore |
Super Mario Allstars |
Super Mario World |
Street Fighter II |
Tetris & Dr. Mario |
The Magical Quest |
Sim City |
Crash Dummies |
F-Zero |
Shaq Fu |
Super Tennis |
World Masters |
Master System
Castle of Illusion |
TransBot |
Ghostbusters |
Wimbledon |
Olympic Gold |
Mega Drive
Rocket Knight Adventures |
Wiz’n Liz |
Thunder Force II |
Dynamite Headdy |
Mega Bomberman |
The Simpsons Barts Nightmare |
Warlock |
Speedball 2 |
Marble Madness |
Alien 3 |
Flashback |
Home Alone |
Dragons Revenge |
Altered Beast |
World of Illusion |
Der König der Löwen |
Aladdin |
Das Dschungelbuch |
Bubsy II |
Taz-Mania |
Tiny Toon Adventures |
The Ottifants |
Rise of the Robots |
LHX Attack Chopper |
Sonic Spinball |
Sonic 2 |
Sonic |
Mega Games I |
EA Hockey |
Moonwalker |
Power Drive |
Red Zone |
King of the Monsters |
The Ottifants |
Alien 3 |
Super Monaco GP |
Super Real Basketball |
Last Battle |
Mickeys Wild Adventure |
Moto GP 3 |
CSI Mord in 3 Dimensionen |
The secret Saturdays |
Tokobot Plus |
Splinter Cell |
Daemon Summoner |
Summoner 2 |
Dead or Alive 2 |
Der Herr der Ringe Die zwei Türme |
Der Herr der Ringe Die Rückkehr des Königs |
Justice League Heroes |
Headhunter |
Gungriffon Blaze |
GTA Vice City Stories |
GTA Vice City |
GTA San Andreas |
Need for Speed Undercover |
Gran Turismo 3 |
Arc Twilight of the Spirits |
Prince of Persia Warrior Within |
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time |
Herdy Gerdy |
Micro Machines V4 |
Evil Dead A Fistful of Boomstick |
Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme Legends |
Dynasty Warriors 4 |
Samurai Warriors |
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires |
Dynasty Tactics 2 |
Dynasty Warriors 4 Xtreme Legends |
Red Dead Revolver |
Way of the Samurai 2 |
Kengo Master of Bushido |
Kingdom Hearts |
Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban |
Fallout Brotherhood of Steel |
God of War II |
Marvel Ultimate Alliance |
Kessen |
Onimusha 3 |
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams |
Second Sight |
Max Payne |
Mega Man X Command Mission |
Onimusha Blade Warriors |
Champions Return to Arms |
Shadow of the Colossus |
Okami |
The Red Star |
Digimon World 4 |
Silent Hill 4 |
One Piece Pirate Warriors |
Syberia Collection |
SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection |
The Last of Us |
Marvel Ultimate Alliance |
Beyond Two Souls |
Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishment |
Remember me |
Dark Souls |
Army of Two |
Army of Two The 40th Day |
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi |
Heavenly Sword |
Devil May Cry 4 |
DMC Devil May Cry |
Farcry 4 |
Farcry 5 |
Red Dead Redemption |
Mittelerde Mordors Schatten |
Der Herr der Ringe Der Krieg im Norden |
L.A. Noire |
Max Payne 3 |
Dragon Age Inquisition |
Dungeon Siege III |
Batman Arkham City |
Castlevania Lords of Shadow |
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II |
Deus Ex Human Revolution |
Uncharted |
Uncharted 2 |
Uncharted 3 |
Need for Speed Most Wanted |
Need for Speed The Run |
Gran Turismo 6 |
Super Street Fighter IV |
Injustice |
Dead or Alive 5 |
God of War III |
God of War |
Fallout 4 |
Home Sweet Home |
Torn |
Ghost Giant |
Tetris Effect |
Track Lab |
Firewall Zero Hour |
Blood & Truth |
Dreams |
Among the Sleep |
Aladdin/Lion King |
Ghostbusters The Video Game |
GTA Trilogy |
Dying Light |
The Evil Within |
The Evil Within 2 |
Wolfenstein The new Order |
Wolfenstein The old Blood |
Wolfenstein II The new Colossus |
Resident Evil 2 |
Resident Evil VII |
Homefront the Revolution |
Doom |
Doom Eternal |
Borderlands 3 |
L.A. Noire |
Call of Cthulhu |
Bee Simulator |
Evil Dead The Game |
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection |
Metro Exodus |
Horizon Forbidden West |
In Nightmare |
Marvel Avengers |
Guardians of the Galaxy |
Deathloop |
WWW2K22 |
Way of the Hunter |
Key We |
Hot Wheels Unleashed |
Life is Strange True Colors |
The Quarry |
Saints Row |
Death Stranding |
Returnal |
Ghost of Tsushima |
Goat Simulator 3 |
Call of Duty Modern Warfare |
Mafia III |
Die Abenteuer des Indiana Jones BB |
Star Trek Starfleet Academy BB |
Star Trek der Aufstand BB |
Star Trek Federation Compilation |
The Witcher 3 |
The Witcher 2 |
DHDR Schlacht um Mittelerde II AddOn |